Little Mercies, Garden Picante 500ml


Little Mercies

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Mixed Herb Vodka, Volcan Blanco Tequila, Soft Lime (5 Serves)

An ever changing take on the classic spicy Margarita! Little Mercies use waste greens from local greengrocers, and produce that would otherwise be thrown away, to make the herbal, vegetal spirit that adds a whack of flavour to this drink. 

Redistilling mixed herbs, like Basil, Lovage and Tarragon, with green veg like Bell Peppers, Chillis, and Cucumbers gives an amazing depth to this drink.

They then take the lime juice that they have left over, and turn it into a cordial with sugar and lactic acid, giving it new life and a softer lime flavour, that doesn’t dominate flavour-wise.

Opened in October 2018, Little Mercies is the creative vision of business partner Alan Sherwood. Mercies is a neighbourhood bar in Crouch End, serving draft beers and cider, coffee and delicious cocktails. The kitchen serves some of the best food in North London, all through the evening.